Most people associate excess belly fat with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or joint problems. But did you know it could also impact your brain health? Emerging research suggests that carrying too much visceral fat—the deep, hidden fat around your organs—could increase your risk of cognitive decline, memory loss, and dementia later in life.
What happens during a Health Marathon?
Each team consists of 9 people, including the Captain. The Captain is an experienced Coach who shares daily tips and helpful materials, creates personalized meal plans, and serves as a role model while supporting all participants.
Each “lap” lasts 10 days which can be repeated until desired results are achieved.
Becoming a mother is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it often comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight postpartum.
Your 2024 Year-Long Health and Wellness Roadmap with Nutrition Leaders UK
New Year, New You: Kickstart Your Health Journey in 2024
Focus: Establishing a mindset for lasting change.
Obstacles Addressed: Goal-setting challenges and lack of motivation.
Nutrition Leaders UK Support: Personalized support and community engagement.
This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member: Stephen Slater
Let me help you achieve your goals!
Customers have a better chance of achieving their goals with the right products, a relationship with their Herbalife Independent Member, and being part of a community. If you would like free personalised support to achieve your goals, please contact me using the details below.
Your one-to-one relationship with your personal Member is key to meeting your nutrition goals. If Stephen Slater is not your personal Member, we encourage you to purchase your products from your existing Member. Alternatively,click here to continue to this website.
To purchase via your own Membership account and receive full credit please
This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member: Stephen Slater
Let me help you achieve your goals!
Customers have a better chance of achieving their goals with the right products, a relationship with their Herbalife Independent Member, and being part of a community. If you would like free personalised support to achieve your goals, please contact me using the details below.
Your one-to-one relationship with your personal Member is key to meeting your nutrition goals. If Stephen Slater is not your personal Member, we encourage you to purchase your products from your existing Member. Alternatively,click here to continue to this website.
To purchase via your own Membership account and receive full credit please