Smart Nutrition for Your Body
Looking after your health has never been easier! Immune Booster comes in sachets and is great to have when you’re on-the-go. Immune Booster is perfect for those looking to add a daily boost of vitamins and minerals to their diet. It is a powdered food supplement that contains a clinically proven, dried yeast-based ingredient called EpiCor® and a carefully formulated blend of vitamins C and D, Selenium and Zinc to support your body’s natural immunity.
First, my energy levels shot up within just a few days. Secondly, my waistline shrunk by 4 inches and my trousers literally fell down! The best bit is that 17 years later I still have the same waistline I did when I was age 21 which is 32 inches. I have more energy than most people I know including those in their 20’s. I have reversed the ageing process and my metabolic age (that’s the internal body clock driven by our cellular regeneration) is the same as a 42 year old (as measured on my Tanita body composition monitor which...
This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member: Stephen Slater
Let me help you achieve your goals!
Customers have a better chance of achieving their goals with the right products, a relationship with their Herbalife Independent Member, and being part of a community. If you would like free personalised support to achieve your goals, please contact me using the details below.
Your one-to-one relationship with your personal Member is key to meeting your nutrition goals. If Stephen Slater is not your personal Member, we encourage you to purchase your products from your existing Member. Alternatively,click here to continue to this website.
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This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member: Stephen Slater
Let me help you achieve your goals!
Customers have a better chance of achieving their goals with the right products, a relationship with their Herbalife Independent Member, and being part of a community. If you would like free personalised support to achieve your goals, please contact me using the details below.
Your one-to-one relationship with your personal Member is key to meeting your nutrition goals. If Stephen Slater is not your personal Member, we encourage you to purchase your products from your existing Member. Alternatively,click here to continue to this website.
To purchase via your own Membership account and receive full credit please